=========================================================== EASYNET control Version 1.32.005 (16 bits and 32 bits) Copyright © Patrick Lassalle, 1994, 1997. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Patrick Lassalle 247, Avenue du Marechal Juin 92100 Boulogne France Tel.: 01 46 03 42 20 CIS: 100325,725 INTERNET: Lassalle_Patrick@compuserve.com May 10, 1997 =========================================================== ************************************************************** important important important important important important EASYNET HAS A SUCCESSOR: ADDFLOW (See Last Paragraph) ************************************************************** -------- Contents -------- Part Description ---- ----------- 1 What is EasyNet? 2 Version Informations 3 Package description 4 Registration, Order Form, License 5 AddFlow = EasyNet successor!! -------------------------------------------- Part 1 - What is EasyNet? -------------------------------------------- EasyNet/OCX is a custom control which allows to develop QUICKLY an application that needs to manage a network diagram (workflow, data base diagram, organigrams, communication networks, state transition diagrams, etc...). * Drawing can be made interactively or programmaticaly. * You may move, resize, stretch each item. * You may associate user data to each item * You may navigate in the network diagram. * Distinct pictures, colors, draw styles for each item. * Multi-selection, multi-line wordwrapped text, metafile support, zooming, + many other features. * Many properties, events and methods allow you to "customize" your diagramming application. * RUNTIME ROYALTY FREE EasyNet/OCX programmatic interface is described in EZNET.HLP file. ------------------------------------------ Part 2 - Version Informations ------------------------------------------ In 16 bits environment, use EZNET16.OCX. In 32 bits environment, use EZNET32.OCX. Other environments ****************** This product has been tested under WIN95 and VB4 environment. The 32 bits version is working also under Visual C++ 4.x Version enhancements ******************** No new feature. This is a maintenance release. ------------------------------------------ Part 3 - Package description ------------------------------------------ The EasyNet/OCX package is a ZIP file that contains the following files: DEMO32.EXE Demo sample (VB4 32 bits executable) DEMO.ZIP Demo sample VB4 source files EDITOR.ZIP Editor sample VB4 source files NAVIG.ZIP Navig sample VB4 source files PINS.ZIP Pins sample VB4 source files EZNET32.OCX EasyNet/OCX 32 bits beta version EZNET16.OCX EasyNet/OCX 16 bits beta version EZNET.HLP EasyNet/OCX help file. README.TXT This text file. Remarks: -------- * All samples are written with VB4. * If you don't know EasyNet, you should run first DEMO32.EXE. * The Editor allows to draw diagrams and to save them in files. Note that the saving procedure used in this program is just an example. You should adapt it to your needs or rewrite a better procedure. * The Navig sample demonstrates how to use navigation methods. * The Pins sample demonstrates how to use Owner and Sleeping properties to allow links to reach any point (pins) of a node, not only to be directed towards its center. ------------------------------------------ Part 3 - Converting from VBX ------------------------------------------ EasyNet/OCX is compatible with the vbx version. See help file in order to see how to convert your old VB3 application that uses EasyNet.vbx into a new VB4 application that uses EasyNet/OCX. You may find the EasyNet/OCX package on Compuserve: forum: GO VBPJ section: VB4 Third party File name: EZNET.ZIP You may find the EasyNet/VBX package on Compuserve: forum: GO VBPJ section: VB3 Third party File name: EASYNET.ZIP You may also find those products on InterNet at the following address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Lassalle_Patrick/ Note that this web page has only one purpose: allowing you to get those products via Internet. ------------------------------------------ Part 4 - Registration, Order Form, License ------------------------------------------ The demo controls here are fully functional in design mode, but they will not work in an application compiled without license file. If you generate an EXE file with EasyNet/OCX but without a license file, then any attempt to use this EXE file will display a dialog box explaining that it has been generated without license file and that the EasyNet control will not work. If you register, you will receive (usually within 2 business days from the registration date) a license file allowing you to compile applications that work properly with EasyNet. You may register directly via Compuserve in the Shareware Registration Forum (GO SWREG). SWREG number: 8739 Price: $199 Important: EasyNet is RUNTIME ROYALTY FREE. See help file for all registration information, order form and license agreement. ------------------------------------------ Part 5 - AddFlow = EasyNet successor!! ------------------------------------------ EASYNET HAS A SUCCESSOR: ADDFLOW. You may find it on Compuserve: forum: GO MSBASI File name: ADDFLO.ZIP This file contains the full installation package (1,8 Mb). AddFlow is a 32 bits ActiveX control that lets you quickly build flowchart-enabled applications. AddFlow is the successor of EasyNet although it is NOT COMPATIBLE with it. The programmatic interface is quite different: AddFlow is based on OLE Automation and collections. AddFlow Items (Nodes and links) are objects and you can directly change their properties. For instance, AddFlow allows to write code like this: ' Make all nodes rectangular Dim node as afNode For Each node In AddFlow1.Nodes ' Nodes enumeration node.Shape = afRectangle Next AddFlow is EASIER to use than EasyNet and it is FASTER, thanks to OLE automation. Moreover AddFlow has new features like Bezier Curves, rigid links, bidirectional links. **************************************************************